
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Trebuchet (Fredericus-rex)

This is a monster!!!!  No castle walls are safe, MUH HA HA, MUH HA HA!!!!
Another lasercut model from the house of Fredericus - rex.
As with the houses this kit  can be painted with Acrylics and this time I´ve got over my initial fear of damaging the material by using the paint too watery ( swelling or warping) and I just sloshed it on. This kit got 4 seperate layers of paint added and absolutely no ill affects. The walls of the bucket warped with the first layer of paint but went back to their original flat condition after a minute or so.
 Vital stats : H: 11cm´s W: 12cms L: 18cm´s..
 Notice...the winding gear and the rope on the throwing arm are not´s in the moment of "just about to launch"

 Crew from Fredericus-rex plus a couple of bods from orion and Zvezda.
Both my Trebuchets together. The one in the background is a resin kit from MiniHistory. All that´s missing now is the Zvezda one and I´ll have the three sisters, "Faith, Hope and Charity"

The kit fits together really easily, all that´s needed are scalpel, tweezers and woodglue.
I recommend painting up ALL the parts before fitting, as when it´s put together it would be IMHO pretty fiddly to get into all the corners. The ladder. In the instructions it shows fitting the rungs in one go, they come on a sort of comb but it is impossible to get all the rungs lined up with the holes so I cut off every rung from the "sprue"  and fitted them individually, lining them up by laying the ladder on it´s back and using two CD boxes pushed up from left and right. I dripped revell liquid contact glue onto the ladder to "plastify" it and make it stronger.
The thread provided is a bit I put it in a cup of hot water, added two old teabags and a teaspoon of coffee powder and  left it for 1/2 an hour  ;-D