After seeing
Michael´s Excellent
Water cart I had to have one myself..ok, the medieval ones got in the way but finally I have produced one for the Khandibar colonials. if..and when Hat releases it´s Colonial
General service wagons and
Oxen carts I will make a small supply train..which will never live up to the genius of this
supply column. Some of the photo´s are damm near to looking real, well worth a look...(he said jealously :-D)
Even after a bit of work, the Renedra barrel still has visible misaligned mold lines. Still, they are cheap and Renedra do make some lovel terrain pieces. |
Carriage from Zvezda´s Peter the great russian artillery set, horse from Airfix´s German mountain troops..bod from HaT |
Hello to
Kaptain Kobold :-D