
Sunday 5 August 2012

Children Of Bodstonia

Not all of the Bodstonian children  but a selection...they are hard to photograph..they are always running about and playing hide and seek  :-D
Another selection from the wonderfull napoleonic civilian sets by Andreas Hoffman.
Wether shod in Shoes, clogs or barefoot, rich or poor...they all have fun together.
Two little poppets with their Puppets
A wee bit blurry but the puppy is visible..
And a Wizard!!!. He travelled here  from far away after winning his new home in a giveaway at Marzios Blog Fog´s Soldiers...and was painted (and a  much better paintjob than I would have given him) by Luisa.

Hello to Thoran from. NSWC Campaigns Blog´s. Mainly Napoleonics and he says he wants to get into ECW and 16th century Italian Wars.