
Sunday 21 July 2019

English Sailors 16-17th Century - RedBox

Blimey!!..nearly 6 weeks without a peep and now two Posts in a row!!!*

Another load of sea dogs to add to the previous 10.
Again, as with the Spanish sailors, a Tiny bit of Flash to deal with. Over at PSR the set gets bad marks for the mold but as I´ve said on previous Posts , it probably depends on which set you get.
Now they are all painted...what to use them for? Or are they all painted? After all, RedBox has a quite large range of Late Renaissance bods so it´s possible there´s more  to come :-)

*There were quite Major house renovations to deal with and a lot of our team at work are either sick or on Holiday and the early hot weather made sunbathing more fun  so I have  a couple of small excuses for not painting :-)

Saturday 20 July 2019

Spanish Sailors 16-17th Century - RedBox

One of those subjects that, when you go looking for references for clothing Colours and the like, there´s virtually nothing. 

There´s one or two contemporary paintings showing Crew, like  Johann Theodore de Bry´s  "The renewal of the alliance between Francisco Pissarro and Diego de Almagro ...(to explore and exploit Peru) …(HERE)  
Mostly blues, reds and Yello/Browns but the mix of Colours on the painting Looks..concieved. Still, better than Nothing. 
There´s a Little Flash to deal with  but not a lot. Over at PSR the set gets a decent review (HERE)
Why am I painting late Renaissance bods? Well, you´ll have to wait and see.