
Thursday 2 December 2010

Colonial Artillery (Hat)

After seeing some of the colonial stuff on other peoples Blogs, Dunc´s 20mm Model Site for example, my fingers started to itch and I wanted to have a bash at this period. On sunday I didn´t resist the temptation and bought the British colonial Artillery set from hat as a tester. It was fun to paint them up and as I did so I could picture more...a line of red coated bods being attacked by Zulus, a camel corps on it´s way to defend Khartoum...:-)
I´m not too sure about the colour of the gun...or come to that what it is for a gun...but as I say it was a "tester" set and it was fun to paint...I even overcame my reluctance of the new Hat plastic. :-)


  1. Branching out mate?Very nice looking gun.The crew look great.Next is the gattling and gardner gun?

  2. Thanks...
    I will do the same as with my red /blue army project...every figure once, to get decent looking firing lines though, maybe one or two more ;-)and every possible conversion as well...this will be fun methinks :-) Still got the blues and reds to get finished as well...oh! and the airfix bods quest..oh! and the next 6 duels and...:-)

  3. They look very nice Paul, one of HaT's better sets. Got to get me one as well some day, or would you perhaps like to swap one sprue for something from me?

  4. Paul,

    I've trying to keep from branching into colonial wargaming and you are NOT helping. Nicely done mate. Now, if only I can get around to painting those Esci French Foreign Legion troops...

  5. Great stand. Good run of posts lately, well done!

  6. Thanks chaps :-)
    Sorry the pics are a bit dark, the blue of the uniforms looks very dark blue..when I´ve painted some other colonial bods up I´ll post this lot again along side them...the gatling gun looks very attractive :-D

  7. Great set of images is getting in the way of painting at the moment...maybe today is the day to break back into my hobbie...

