
Tuesday 7 December 2010


So, this looks very odd (no picture of my work today but to be honest, I´m a bit annoyed) but it´s important to all us german Bloggers or better said, all of us that run a Blog in germany or are a german citizen running a Blog abroad. From the 1st of january 2011 ALL of us who run a Blog, Forum, Online shop etc will have to comply with new Youth protection laws.....See links blow,1518,732238,00.html

Wether or not the content of my Blog is fitting or not...I don´t know, you never know with laws and the interpretation of them, we´ll see. It would be annoying...seeing as I have just got myself together to start this little old blog and it may (or may not) be prevented from running or as of the 1st it will have to have a stupid. "warning...may contain adult content...go further at your own risk" thing before you get to look at this.
Still..I suppose it is in the interests of protecting children so....????

On a Happier Note :-D. I would like to thank all that look in here, if the name of your blog isn´t up on my blog  list, I apologise..but it doesn´t mean I am not looking at and appreciating  all your work ;.)
Cheers - Greetings


  1. Ich antworte mal auf Deutsch, weil es sich ja um ein "typisch" deutsches Problem handelt. Es ist einfach schade, dass Hierzulande versucht wird, Regeln zu schaffen, die im Rest der Welt nur kopfschütteln auslösen und irrelevant sind. Betroffen sind die deutschen Blogger, Foreninhaber und Internetdienstleister, und nur die. Als ob so ein besserer Jugendschutz erreicht werden könnte. Ich weiß auch noch nicht, wie es bei mir weitergeht. Da muss ich mich erstmal eingehender mit beschäftigen.

  2. Besserer Jugendschutz...? Tchja...glaub ich auch nicht..was es im Fernseher zu sehen gibt ist manchmal schrecklich und da wird nichts gemacht. Ich hoffe das ich keinen Warnung geben muss, aber wie weiß nie wie der Gesetztgeber es sehen wurde...

  3. You're not quiting your blog are you?

  4. Me!! Quit my Blog!? NEVER...I will fight them on the landing grounds, I will fight them on the bea....just a mo...there are no landing grounds or beaches around here...well I´ll find somewhere..a dark alley maybe :-)

  5. Make sure you keep it going, do not let the gits grind you down.

  6. Keep up the good work mate,the world is full of medderling nutters out there.They make us look normal.

  7. Thanks for the support.
    I should explain...the german authorities want us all to label our sites/blogs etc to show that we are not displaying anything that might be "harmfull" to 12 yr olds and under. Exactly what this could be isn´t certain...a dead bod for instance might upset little jimmy sobbreeches but billy axegrinder will only want to see a mangled headless version...we really don´t know..Is political stuff allowed, however petty. Silly "ooer madam" comments...would they be considered bad, only in german but not in english..or both?? Do we have to control our links to other sites???
    All a load of baloney..but if it´s gonna cost me an arm and a leg...


  8. If blogs have that warning kids will want to look at them more.

  9. If I did not understand, the German government wants to know if your blogs contain materials suitable for children under 12 years?

    Obviously not! Our blogs are games, the maximum they are plastic or metal soldiers attacking others ..... This will not be porn!

    Angela Merkel's brain is sucked :-(

  10. I suspect that if you simply place a text warning "Not appropriate for children under 12" then you should be safe, right? If for some terrible reason you are unable to continue your blog, then I would be happy to add you as a contributor to my blog. I'd love to have more 1/72 pics posted more often.

  11. Paul, I hope all works well. Your blog is amazing and it would be a loss for us if you quit. So you have my support and all the help that you need just ask.

  12. Ah, the insanity continues.... Paul, I hope that this won't change anything about your blog or your great miniatures.

    Keep it up,


  13. Don't change a thing Paul. As someone with the mental age of 12, I can say that I enjoy your blog and the wonderful weirdness that happens within.

  14. Living in Germany...mental age 9...

    Understand that it sounds like madness...however, protection for our more vunerable ones when they are online should be much much stronger...

    Love the blog...keep it going mate...with you all the way!


  15. Thanks all...
    I hope nothing will change...where else can so many people express themselves and get to know each other...make contact so easily, share interests and ideas, if not on the web ??
    @Goffredo...yes our stuff are toys but so are toy guns and you are not allowed to run about with them...if they look a bit real. We shall see where this leads.
    @Chris....Have you got a blog ??

  16. It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure their kids aren't visiting sites they're supposed to visit.

    Most porn sites already have a warning page prior to the actual content, and even here, in blogworld, if you're blog has explicit content, there is already a warning (if your blog does not get removed by the gracious democratic leaders of blogworld).

    I would be more concerned with kids visiting sites with extreme violence or language, as there are no warnings for those.

    @Paul, no Chris does not have a blog :)

  17. Hi Paul,
    I made my thought about this shit, too, and I think it is some kind of censorship that I do not want. But it seems that it will not come soon, I found it in this article
