
Thursday 24 March 2011

Toko Siemens Schuckert DIII

A bit of a pig of a kit....the fit was pretty bad. The decals were rotten...they came to pieces. The plastic is pretty odd stuff, more like resin and didn´t take paint to well. Still it´s finished and I´m considering wether to make the other Toko stringbag I have in the stash.
Hello to Mish from Big Bird´s Modelling World. and a member of the fun mad house that´s called Britmodeller Lots of nice builds...mainly planes on his just started up Blog.


  1. Sounds like a right nightmare, doesn't look too bad from where I'm sitting but like Ray what do I know.

  2. Good result - especially considering the bother you had building it.

  3. Randall says: Love the model you do a great job on the camo pattern Paul

  4. Did you use the tartan paint for it? :-D

    Great result Paul ;-)

    PS: They have arrived! Thanks!


  5. Thanks
    @Peter...there´s more :-D But you will have to wait until Bennos party

  6. This used to be my favourite plane in the old Avalon Hill 'Richtofen's War' game, so it has a special place in my over-nostalgic heart. Nice work there Paul!

  7. It still looks good Paul, ever considered a Gotha or H/P-0400?

  8. Oh my! The Siemens Schuckert D.III has always been one of my personal favorites. Too bad the kit is such a P.I.T.A. to build. I have a couple questions: 1 the difficulty getting paint to adhere. did you scrub the parts before assembly to degrease them; and do you use a primer before adding the paint? 2 is the lozenge decals from the kit or a third party set? The reason I ask is it looks like they only supplied the camouflage pattern typically used on the lower wing surfaces. The top patterns are usually darker scheme. However it is still a lovely bird. All in all a great built of a stubborn kit.


  9. Nice one Paul. I have one of these as well that I use for Canvas Eagles, and like you I found it a right sow to build. End result worth it though. It is a funny snub-nosed little machine, isn't it?

  10. Thanks all :-D
    @ Alanus...yes I have but I´ve got a few others to get through yet.
    @ Will. The lozenge deacls didn´t come with the set...I´ve heard that they should but mine were missing. The patterns I downloaded and resized..printed and then stuck them on using....Prittstick...believe me..this holds like they have been welded on.
    The pattern under the wings is a bit lighter..not much...the top pattern looked a lot darker before I stuck it on.
    I usually never wash the kits or bods etc and I never use a primer. This method works fine with the revell kits but this time a P.I.T.A. Still I am still learning :-D
    I´ll see what happens with the Pfalz DXII.

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