
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Banner of the Holy wounds

Standard bearer from Robert Aske´s army during the Pilgrimage of grace , a catholic rebellion in england from 1536 -1537. They were two revolts which have been given the name Pilgrimage of grace, one in Lincoln and the other at York, but the York one (some 13-14 days after the lincoln one)was the actual Pilgrimage of grace.
This is completely ignored in the TV series  "The Tudors" but seeing as the series has more historical mistakes per hour than any other I can think of,  why not let them make another. I like how Wiki describes The Tudors as " historical fiction".   They should have swopped fiction for fantasy ..I mean, which script writer came up the the idea of Pope Paul III trying to assasinate of Anne Boleyn before her coronation? In the style of  Commodus from Gladiator, "my history´s a little hazy, but didn´t Paul III get elected AFTER her coronation?"  
The flag he carries is the Banner of the holy wounds.

Another addition to my crecy flags collection, the Standard bearer for Bernard VI de Moreuil,  one of the french knights who fought at Crecy
Hello to John and Carvin' Joe


  1. Fantastic as always mate. And I agree on "The Tudors" I gave up watching it after Episode 2.

    1. Thanks Daz.
      Don´t give up with series three it gets even better, loads of sillyness, I can´t wait for series 4, I´m playing "try to spot a plug socket"..I mean, they´ve already had leaf sprung carriages and flintlock pistols so it´s possible one of them will produce a mobile phone.

  2. Great work, especially on the 2nd fig. Nice conversion.

  3. Great minis and lovely banners !

    One of them looks a little bit as the background I use at my blog;)

    Best regards Michael

    1. Thanks Michael.
      It is a piece..look at the bottom lefthand corner of your blog..there´s a piece been cut out ;-D

    2. At least it was of good use:)

  4. It's bannermania at Paul Bods. Cool conversions. There are 3 types of history. Hollywood , TV and that one we researched for ourselves.:)

    1. Thanks Shrif.
      The problem with the Tudors...why didn´t they bother to check a couple of things. Henry VIII has an Orrery in his rooms (a device showing the solar system) They weren´t invented until the 1700´s!! The Tudor period isn´t one of my strong points history wise but some things are glaringly the orrery and glass windows in the carriage!! I´m wondering wether they actually had any historians working to advise them.

  5. Great job Paul the second flag is fantastic

  6. Great banners anyway! I enjoyed the Tudors, but I do not have enough conaissances to judge ...

    1. Thanks Phil
      Probably it´s more enjoyable without noticing the mistakes. Not all of the mistakes are that bad, like having people playing the role of someone much younger or visa versa or introducing non-existant people, but things like killing the kings son off at the age of 5 was stupid...
      He (Henry Fitzroy) died at the age of 17, roughly one month after Anne Boleyn!!!

  7. Those are beautiful. I especially like the pose of the second character.

  8. Nice banners. I may have asked you this before, but what size do you make your banners? They look to be around an inch tall.

    1. Thanks Sean.
      They are 2.2cms tall, apparently this fits (scalewise) with the average size of flags of the period. It´s very easy to create them on word using the rezize toolbar.

  9. That's the first thing that comes in my mind when I think about medieval armies: the flamboyant banners! :)
    You did an excellent work Sir Paul. :)

  10. great work paul! I have totally given up on historical series as there appear to be no recent ones that acurattly reflect the history.

    1. Thanks Gowan.
      There is a couple of series that are based on real events nad personalities..the Rome series for example. The intrigue / plot is accompanied quite well time wise etc with the historical events, apart from the characters of Pullo and Vorenus, who take on bigger roles than they actually had)
      The thing that really annoys me with series like the Tudors is the usage of factual people and events but then swopping them all around to fit with thier racey plots in order to get some bare female chests in. pathetic and entirely unnecessary. I mean, why go to the tiny detail of Anne Boleyns French excecutioner explaining how he will hide his sword, distract her with a clever ruse and the touching little detail of him pushing hair under her cap, when in reality she took her cap off and wore a blindfold!!? Same with cromwell..he was excecuted by an inexperienced teenager, in private (he was an aristocrat by titel) and no-one took the axe away to finishe the job.

  11. Flag parade! They look excellent Paul!

    How many were at Crecy?

