It´s Holiday season and even the bods have to have a break.
Finally after a Long and ardous journey and climbing the last sand dune Lord Brashford and Lt. Tompkins have thier first view of the sea.
The brave trio, Lord Brashford, Lt, Tompkins, Achmed and thier Faithfull mule Dobin. In the Background a beach camp.
Lt. Tompkins - "CRABS sir! HUGE CRABS
Lord Brashford - "Tompkins!I have absolutely no interest in your personal Problems!!"
The big bods also did a bit of travelling and had a look about.
For Freedom Museum in Belgium. On the link there´s a virtual visit to the Museum which is way better than my photos. One thing which was a bit of an eye opener was a video of some Archeologists excavating a Messerschmitt BF-110 Nightfighter ...........with a Digger!!!!!
Mostly about the life and times of the locals from the medieval to present, it had some cracking wooden model boats. The ones pictured are all around 1/72nd - 28mm scale.
Bunkers!!!! The whole are is dotted with WWII bunkers, most of which you can go inside and look around. A lot of them are in a poor condition, Graffiti, used as rubbish dumps, like this
Type 630 not far from the camp site,
Garffiti!! I´m not sure wether the marks on the side are from Shellfire. Apparently the walls are 3.5 meters thick!
Inside the main door. |
One photo of the Type 630 at Breskens that the People didn´t get..., the turret on the top. There´s steps going down into the bunker but it was too dark to take photos.
Behind the Type 630 there was a
Type 112a. As with the 630 you could go inside but had a few inches of water inside and frogs living there. is a mine (no pun intended) of info about the bunker Systems in the area of Zeeland / Belguim. There really are masses of them. One we visited was massive..with loads of bunkers of all different types spread over an area of two footballfields. Unfortunately we´d forgotten the camera..doh!!