
Monday 28 October 2013

More bits and bobs for Bannockburn

Nothing specific, just fillers for Scenes as the battle Progresses.
Rude scottish Person "waving hello" to the English
Two wounded footsoldiers
A priest giving spiritual encouragment
A fat and lazy Monk

Another Monk. This one I´ve nicknamed Cadfly :-D
A few mounted types...

Friday 25 October 2013

Dead and dying (Bannockburn)

As with the last lot of "battlefield scatter" I´m not sticking to using just Strelets bods.
Removing the injured from the field. Both are from Strelets Army of Henry V set
Injured horse thrashing about as it tries to stand up. The nag is from Strelets The Scottish Army of Wallace. All of the nags in the set are oversized,  lanky looking beasts and look bad stood up but ok for dead and dying
Delivering the "mercy blow"

Yesterday I recieved the Cröbern 1813, the battle of the nations  book.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hardback, 200 pages, a great read, loads of info, loads of pics (there´s 249 of the dio itsself) and well worth getting hold of,  which you can do so from here; History, Die Welt in Miniaturen.
A couple of pics from  the book.

Double page pic of Bianchi´s Division.
Pictures of the Austrian pioneers and the church.

For me it was great seeing the Pioneers.......
.....and the austrian cavalry that me and Peter painted,  actually in place on the dio. Just think, in the above pics there is 394 cavalrymen, a mere handfull in comparison to the numbers of bods actually on the entire dio.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Conestoga wagon Mk2 (Imex)

You get two in the set but I didn´t want to just paint them both up the same...or even look the same so the cover was discarded, hoops for the canvas, brake, Jockeybox (Toolbox) and necksling added.
Here´s the wagon with the Johanssens as they take a dinner break on thier Long journey from Bodstown to the Great lake.
A bit of a Story and a "who´s who" HERE
Removing the Posts from the inside of the wagon was difficult and I broke two stanley knife blades before I came up with the idea of heating the blade over a candle. The Jockeybox is made from a lump of balsawood, the hoops from plastic Card as is the brake handle.
The female Johanssens
The male Johanssens.

The bods are from the Imex American Pioneers set.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Conestoga Wagon (Imex)

A heavy Transport wagon for Bodstonia, the Conestoga Wagon from Imex. I´ve had the set for a while now but everytime I looked at it,  the size of the wagon and the number of nags put me off..until recently I saw Brian´s paintjob of both the wagons in the set over at A Fistfull of plastic blog.
 The horse traces are made from very thin strips of paper...which took Ages!

So it fits into the world of bodstonia, the Driver got a head swop using one of the heads from the Italeri (AWI) American Infantry set. By the look of him the ride hasn´t been too comfortable!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Medieval crane 2

Another 1/72nd scale crane, this time from Fredericus-rex. Quick and easy to build, a very nice little machine.
Direct link to the crane at Fredericus-rex HERE
What build advice can I offer? Basically, the most difficult part of the build is putting the two halves of the "mousewheel" together, but if you stick to the instructions and take your time it´s easy.
Both sides of the "mousewheel"come as two pieces which have to be glued together. While  they are drying  put them  between two Sheets of plastic and put a weight on top to stop them warping.
The only bit I changed was to make a new hook from wire. The original broke when I added the load.

For anyone who wants to know, it Looks fine alongside 28mm bods.
and a pic of a 28mm bod alongside the Roman crane ...

Sunday 13 October 2013

Viking Champion...

...Sven Slawrta and friends. At the battle of Stamford Bridge it that it´s said that one viking Held up the english Forces, killing 40 on the Bridge.  I have to have a bod to represent such a warrior.
Most of the conversions are simple weapon changes, like the following 4, axes instead of spears or a bow.....
....or very simple ones like  putting the arrow on the correct side of the bow stave.
The most complicated was  Sven. Lining the head, Body (from the caesar orcs set)  and legs up was a real pain.
6´8" in his knitted socks,
The entire Viking force to date;

A Clip from the film,  1066 - The Battle of Middle Earth, The fight on Stamford Bridge with the Viking working his way through endless challengers.
 "Stop pushing at the back, stop pushing at the back!!, for god´s sake, st..............."

Death on the Dorset Ridgeway: a Viking Murder Mystery
Interesting bit of archeology about the mass excecution of 50 plus vikings HERE

Thursday 10 October 2013

Red Sky in the Morning (2)

Another 9 conversions using Accurates 100yrs war sets. Sir Hugh Jarse and Sir R. Sliker are off somewhere causing Trouble.
The 7 Standing conversions
Arm and head swops
More arm swops and the bod in the middle has had a simple weapon swop.
Another simple generic kniggit conversion , head turned in the other direction.

  Battlefield  "scatter"

The whole band of Marauders together.
So far, both sets have been quite usefull for conversions, a total of 20 infantry conversions (so far) from a total 24 available in both sets.(16 for the english and 8 for the French) All together, without the cavalry bods,  they make a decent little army.
With one day to go the voting on the Neopolitan Challenge Over at Anne´s Blog is if you haven´t already,  get along and vote RED!!!!!  :-D

The captchas. I´ve found out that you don´t have to bother typing the numbers in, just the letters, which asks the question..why do they even bother with the numbers? Why bother with captchas at all? Since swopping to comment Moderation I still get spam but  they don´t have the Chance of posting on old Posts without my knowing it and deleting them.

Monday 7 October 2013

The Neapolitan Painting Challenge started!

My entry to the Neopolitan "Comp" ...Miss B.Hayve
Three painters, three sculpts, three idealized beauties in the form of a Redhead, a Blonde and a Brunette.
So, get over to Anne´s Blog and vote!!!!!

A blonde bombshell by Anne O´Leary
                                     A brunette Amazon by Marzio from Fog´s Soldiers Blog

With different Backgrounds, lighting and camera Settings.

The helmet. I added a Gold "glitter" effect to the "eyes" but it doesn´t Show up in pics!!!
At least the eyes are a bit easier to paint in 28mm.
Reaper Miniatures;60072: Chivane, Red Mantis Assassin
The Background (Top pics, kindly suggested by Anne) is from Corvus miniatures and can be found, along with four other colour schemes HERE