
Saturday 19 October 2013

Conestoga Wagon (Imex)

A heavy Transport wagon for Bodstonia, the Conestoga Wagon from Imex. I´ve had the set for a while now but everytime I looked at it,  the size of the wagon and the number of nags put me off..until recently I saw Brian´s paintjob of both the wagons in the set over at A Fistfull of plastic blog.
 The horse traces are made from very thin strips of paper...which took Ages!

So it fits into the world of bodstonia, the Driver got a head swop using one of the heads from the Italeri (AWI) American Infantry set. By the look of him the ride hasn´t been too comfortable!


  1. The wagon looks excellent, I have done the traces before using fuse wire, it indeed takes bloody ages, must be even harder with paper!

  2. May have taken ages and you may have put it off but it looks great


  3. Fabulous work on the wagon and the militia, great colors and pictures!

  4. Looks fantastic Paul! What I really like is how you did the wire on the horses. And that with paper! The conversions of the militia men are great!


  5. You know, one of the things I really appreciate about your blog are all the little conversions. Fun stuff, as always.


  6. Another fine model painted and presented per your abilities and zeal.

  7. What a great build up. It is indeed a massive model and you did well with the traces. I liked the wood finish too.
    Mike Bunkermeister Creek

  8. Great work, especially on those traces. I had a strange idea once, involving dental tape (not floss) cut up to be used as reigns for some old scythed chariots. I haven't got around to trying it - they'd need painting afterwards, of course, to stop my scythes smelling of spearmint, but they are the right shape!

  9. Very realistic painting on the wagon, a lovely piece but my favourite has to be those American militia, superb painting.

  10. Great work with using paper for the traces - it certainly looks the part! the overall look of the wagon is amazing! I The head swaps look excellent, the militiaman in particular looks very good, and have certainly given me some ideas!

  11. Fantastic. It's convenient that these pioneer wagons look so similar to 18th century "Dutch" wagons.
