
Wednesday 3 September 2014

Medieval Bath time (2)

Another set of Valdemar bods, made by Alex Gussav.
The last post I made with Medieval Bathtime was of  a couple in the tub but this time it´s the  nippers who are due thier yearly clean. They were a lot cleaner than one bath a year, as written in the 14th Cent Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum "The bath cleans the external body parts of dirt left behind from exercise on the outside of the body.”
The bases I made from a section of plastic wooden walling.

The "haughty" Princess. My daughter wanted her to have red hair and a blue Dress...and her command was obeyed :-D
The "water" is made using Pattex 100. It´s "Kind" to painted bods (and the enviroment)as it contains no solvents.
This is an Excellent Little Vignette.
as is this

As ever..not only the poses and Body postures  are lifelike, the  bods stand on thier own two feet without bases or glueing (they are glued in the pics) but the faces are so expressionate.


  1. Excellent looking figures and you did them proud


  2. Wow, you did a great job on these my friend! And the way how you did that water, great trick! Thanks for sharing!


  3. Really charming figures, Paul. They make the whole period seem quite human. Very nicely painted.

  4. wonderful set and your work deserves the great sculpt of Alex !
    Congrats !

  5. Fantastic figures, made by the master himself
    And painted by another master ;-)
    You have done a great job here, you made me smile.

  6. Or is it the Medieval Ice bucket Challenge!!

  7. It's best to please daughters. :)
