
Monday 8 June 2015

Card houses

What can you do over the Weekend whilst drinking red wine and watching films? Build some generic medieval houses that´s what :-D
I never really liked the look of my first medieval village and needed something that would be usefull for Bodstonia as well as a medieval Setting so..a couple of Shops and generic  houses later...
They fit well enough alongside my two Fredericus-Rex houses
They are easy (and quick) enough to make. Thick Card, ruler, pen to make the Patterns. The two three storey ones caused a headache or two but now I know how to create the "overhanging floors"  it´s easy.
A  sharp Hobby knife, scissors to cut them out and woodglue to stick them together.
Walls painted with acrylic wall paint, the lead glass made using strips of fly net with bits of CD case glued to the back, roofing and walls printed and glued on with Prittstick.

Townhall, Coachhouse, Gatehouse, barns, storehouse, more Shops, a couple more three  and double storey houses planned.


  1. I love the way you can just "hand wave" some nice looking buildings together. Truly sire you are a genius! Great looking models!

  2. Awesome work, very inspiring.

  3. Awesome work!!! I like them buildings you created. Not only the new ones, but also the roman ones. They all are an inspiration!
    Keep on going!!!

    Greetings Hightower

  4. Impressive work Paul. You have always been a good builder and these are no exception.

  5. AMAZING effort with such simple design and construction!!


  6. Well I had someting nice for you to visit last weekend Paul ;-)
    But serious now, great houses these are, like always I am impressed about the simple way you make the nicest work!!!


  7. Amazing work, Paul. When I first saw these pictures, I thought you hd assembled some models from Usbourne or the like, but no, you made them from scratch! That's impressive. They look terrific.

  8. They look great, I'd never have guessed they were made from card!

  9. Just saw this. When I read the title I thought you were putting together pre printed card models. I should have known better. Fantastic scratch builds.
