
Thursday 15 March 2018

Swiss Pike block

A loooong time in the making,  over 5 years,  as can be seen HERE and  HERE, but it´s finally finished. Painting the last 8 bods to fill the ranks wasn´t the Problem...what put me off was the basing.
47 bods from a range of makes, Strelets, RedBox, UltimaRatio, there´s even a Zvezda bod in there.
I´m not too sure about having the flag so far back but putting it there fits in with the placing of the flags in the Burgundian Pikeblocks.
The Hornist who originally  carried a flag but was converted as can be seen HERE

The only Zvezda Bod can just be seen to the right of the second rank (White feathers and Torse)
He´s from the Medieval Field Powder Artillery set (Bod on the right, 3rd row from top) and had a head swop using a head from the Zvezda French Knights set. 
Point of contact!!!
Another swiss pikeblock is planned..this time Bern...hopefully it won´t take another 5 years to complete.


  1. hi paul
    die sehen klasse aus
    und die base ist klasse geworden
    insgesamt eine sehr schöne arbeit von dir

  2. Excellent unit of pikemen, great paint job! I note that the famous Uri hornblower doesn't carry the flag, are you sure ? ;-)

    1. As sure as I can be. Signallers (ie; hornblowers) wouldn´t have the extra Task of carrying a flag, it rarely, if ever happens, in any other army, ancient, medieval or modern. An enemy would find it easy to not only get the signaller but the Standard by targetting one Person..shoot at the flag and when that goes down, so does thier communications. There´s painting of one (the most contemporary to the event) called "The Battle of Grandson by Diebold Schilling 1515" He´s on the left top left half of the painting. I can´t find any other contempory pics of him carrying both a horn and flag. My giving him a red "mini-spear" is my artistic licence ;-)

    2. "Modern" as armies who generally went to war carrying flags, napoleonic and a bit later

    3. Thank you for the answer Paul, I was just kidding, I've already read your explanations in the previous post and at Benno's. Maybe the mistake come from Lili&Fred Funcken, maybe it was earlier, I don't know. Your conversion is great, I will feel a bit lazy if I don't do it myself :D

  3. Fantastic unit and paintjob :) As always :)

  4. Really impressive, great painting and a wonderful sence of movement. You have brought these bods to life!

  5. They are bodacious, Paul. Stunning work
    Best regards

  6. You have done a great job here, your thinking on the hornblower is right and practical. I think you need two hands for a standard. It took me two years from buying my 15mm Swiss before I started work, I have had 3 wargaming battles(all outnumbered 2:1) with 3 victories no of my favourite armies to play

  7. Spectacular block. Great work...

  8. Very impressive pike blocks Paul, they look very formidable!

  9. Stunning work! Love the pike vs. pike engagement.

  10. Nothing beats a densely packed pike block! Great stuff Paul.

  11. You should add some of Frank's figures to your units:-)

    Great paintjob and as Oli said, a pike block always looks great.

    1. Thanks Uwe.
      The Bern Pike block will (or I have plans for) use the bods by Frank..first I Need to clear other Projects (the rest of the stuff for the 1329 dio) and some older Projects. The next pike block is planned to be twice as big as the others..

  12. klasse bemalarbeit wie immer top
    mir gefällt das unterschiedliche figuren an start sind
    hat was
