
Saturday 25 August 2018

US Infantry Standing - Strelets

The ACW Project needs more troops. Ok, they aren´t Airfix but TBH  I couldn´t resist getting this lot.
20 poses in the set but one of those is a Streltsi so 19 actual ACW bod poses. No probs bringing this up to the 20 required  as the Union Regiments had two Standards, so one of the bods from another sprue became a Standard bearer. I´m not too happy with the lowered Standard  pose from the set, I reckon he needs swopping out.
Bit of Speed painting and basing "Old School" emerald green. The bods bases needed clipping on the sides to fit them on the stands.
The Standards are  the 2nd Winsconsin. No particular reason for choosing that regiment apart from the flags were  already saved on file.
The only small Problem is the command bods. There´s not enough of them. There´s  46 bods in each box, 42 when the Streltsi are taken off. With two command sprues it would be possible to create two Regiments.
Still, the sculpting and the poses are great and the biggest plus, very Little Flash.
Now onto the Confederate infantry Standing.


  1. Nice looking figures Paul - how do they compare in height with Airfix?

    1. Thanks matey :-)
      They are the same height and fit very well alongside the Airfix ACW bods. PSR gives the height 23mm (1.66m) for both sets. PSR measures the CSA Standing as 0.5 mm taller than the Airfix..which makes (in real life Terms) 4cm´s taller. I can live with that :-)

    2. far as I know, they (Strelets) are creating ACW Parrot rifles with Crews ..more to add to the Shopping list.

    3. Thanks Paul - nice to see that Strelets are expanding their ACW range.

  2. Great looking figures Paul, I like the chap third from left in the last pic, i've never seen that relaxed pose before.

  3. Beautiful figures, love the unusual poses on the last pic...

  4. Nice. Bring on Johnny Reb.

  5. The ACW line is some of Strelets' best. Nice work!

  6. I do like a bunch of ACW soldiers. 😀

  7. I'm definitely not a fan o Strelets sculpts, but your paintjob is great!
