
Sunday 5 April 2020

A Dark Tale

During the time of the plague, Death approached a small town.

An old man sitting outside the town asked of Death "May I ask, What are you doing here?"

To which Death replied, "You may well ask. I have come to collect one person from each house" and he proceeded into town.

Later that day, Death left the town. A crowd, numbering many more than the count of houses, followed him.
The old man once again questioned Death, asking, "you said you were going to take one person from each house but it appears you have taken many more. Why?"

Grinning,  Death replied,  "I did only take one from each house, the others ? They died from fear."
And with that, he went on his way.


  1. A salutory fable!

    The true enemy of mankind is fear, Coronavirus will die out, but fear remains to torment us, and shorten our lives.

    1. Thanks :-)
      Aha,Of course, the c-virus thing, I didn´t think of that ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. Hopefully, some will realise, fear is the other unseen thing and eventually all will return to normal

  3. fairy tale very real and unfortunately on time

  4. brilliant post Paul, i really like the staging and execution of the story

  5. Replies
    1. Beautiful, I meant. Appropriate and sad.

  6. Very cool. Fear of death leads to fear of living life fully.

  7. An excellent story and wonderful painting. It almost fit in today times.

  8. Rather eerily poignant, but damn good Sir.

    1. Merci Michael :-)
      Oddly, I had this scenario set up months ago, inspired after reading the original text behind it. Normally I´d give a backlink to the original but for some bizzarre reason I left it out..a pre-monition?
      Unfortunately it isn´t on this PC´s browser history, that went as the other PC threw in it´s chips..
      I´ll hunt it down and add it if and when I find it.
      The original was in german and had Death turning up to collect 100 but left with 1000. Obviously this would have been nigh on impossible to re-create but the story runs the same, just I´ve used less bods.

  9. A lovely nag. Is this a conversion?

    1. It is a conversion. Originally a nag from Strelets, hacked about a bit, plumbers thread added for a tail.
      Death is from the Caesers undead set, scythe scratch made

    2. Thanks for the Information. It's a really damn good looking death :)

  10. Replies
    1. Not even SWMBO says that to me...oh, I see..Thanks :-)

  11. Great stuff, I do recall reading something similar at university

    1. Thanks :-)
      I´ve searched and searched but no luck. I might have seen it in german but even with writing it in a range of different versions also has turned up nothing...cusses!

  12. Wonderfully painted/converted collection once again Paul and very apt with the scary current times.
