
Friday 30 September 2011

Nag conversion

A bit of cross breeding using the front end of a nag from the Zvezda macedonian cavalry (top row the one on the right) and the back end of a Zvezda Republican Roman cavalry (bottom row the one on the left)

And to anonmymous´s comment from my last post, you are probably right about the basing, we can´t be good at everything, but at least I have the guts to put my name to it.


  1. Suberb work Paul. Glad to be on board, but having trouble commenting from my own pc (at work at the moment!!). best wishes- Mike
    ps. I think your bases are excellent.

  2. The best conversions are the ones you don't even realize are conversions. I would have been none the wiser on this one. Nice job!

    Unless someone is specifically asking for it, I never see the point of being critical of minis that fellow gamer is sharing on their blog. As long as they're fine with it and enjoy sharing with the rest of the blogosphere, then it looks good to me.

    Mold lines are really the only thing I can't abide. Keep up the good work Paul!

  3. I never paint my minis for the slayersword and I can't.
    If it's for gaming a good tabletop quality is just what you need to paint.
    Keep on your good work and your sense of "mise en scène".


  4. I'd have been none the wiser either, and the final result is excellent. It's unsual, but very natural and tells a story.

    It's very well recorded that I disagree with Anonymous, but I'll say it here more generally - the bases on your minis are some of the most evocative I've seen.

  5. It's a coward! Giving critic anonymous isn't fair.

    I remember this conversion. Didn't you make a quiz on it on Benno's? And we couldn't guess which horses you used ;-)

    Great conversion, well executed, on a great base (eat that anonymous!)

    Just delete that post Paul! It's not worth to make you angry!
    The bases are good and the painted bods also!


  6. Thanks mates :-D
    It´s not that the comment made me angry..I know I´m not much good at them and I tend to neglect them, therefore the comment is warranted but even if I have to post anon because the blogger doesn´t allow me I will add my name, if whoever had added their sig then probs.

  7. Bloody nicely done and bloody well said too.

  8. Very nicely done mate. I couldn't tell it was a conversion until I read it. Very well done!

  9. Super stuff, if thats a conversion than I should give up now!

    Well done on the toss pot commentator as well, up against the wall I say!

    Regards Paul.

  10. Oh, now that's clever! I'm guessing the join is under the saddle cloth? What's that made of, by the way?

    Very cool,


  11. @Nick can't you guess?




  12. Absolutely stunning model there!

    As to the Anonymous comment, I am with the tolerance brigade - We all paint to the level we are capable of and are happy with. I have no problem with this. My painting is poor compared with very many, and better than some - IN MY OPINION!- I feel I have no right to condemn others.
    Please forgive the rant....!

  13. Great conversion, I can't tell. I think your basing is quite good actually and if I'm not mistaken those are bases you made yourself from underlay. And if the worst thing they can say is the basing is bad, that seems to be the least important part.

  14. I like the fact you went for the blue helmet, I kept them strictly metal (silver or gold), saving the blue coloured helmets for my unpainted phalanx and hypaspists but I might give one of the cavalery blue helmet now.

    I like the purple/yellow on the tunic(is it called a hitton?) and blue finish on pteruges.

    As for the basing I dont see a problem with it, looks good to me.

  15. Nice conversion work Paul. I do not a agree with Anonymous either.

  16. Very dynamic pose these models, it does not look like a conversion...which is the point I guess.

  17. Very nice Paul! The proportions are great on the figure, much more naturalistic than most of the lead figures that I collect.

    Re basing, my experience is that favourable basing comments arrive in direct proportion to the number of flowers I have deployed on a base. My new units are starting to look like they are trampling a florist's shop. I say, hit the Silflor! ;-)


  18. Brilliant! Such an inspiration Paul.

  19. Great painting and a really dynamic pose.

  20. I have a pic up of base bare bottoms complete with sprue bits.

    I have cut those off using a
    purpose-built sprue cutter, although a wire cutter would probably work; these cut flush and give a clean cut with strong leverage. Then a hobby knife for anything that catches my eye.

    I may paint them different shades of green and consider them done. That might seem poor to an anon critic, but her opinion doesn't matter.

    These horses look cool, and the saddle cloths are dual purpose.
