
Wednesday 26 December 2018

Lizardmen Warriors

Oddly, this set Claims 11 poses on the boxart reality, there´s 12!! Not only of the poses shown on the boxart appears to be carrying some sort of standard..and, he aint included in the 12 poses I got in the box.
The rat´s..Box says 12 but there´s only 11, Lizards, box says 11 but there´s 12. Odd?

The usual softish rubbery type plastic favoured by Caesar, no Flash. Two of them have seperate arms which fit without glueing. As with the ratmen, there´s two types of shields, one cresent shaped and the other round and as with the ratmen, in some cases they need glueing.
Couple of Close ups

A doddle to paint due to the lack of clothing, belts and the like,  I went for a "realistic green" and used that colour scheme for the 12 poses  but then thought..."why not have some in purple ?"
I added a bit of Gold to the mix to create a bit of a shimmer which doesn´t really come out in the pics.
...and, if purple, why not blue ? There´s blue versions on the boxart
The whole gang together
The big lizard Comes from the Modern Mounted Amazons set


  1. Wonderful choice of colours. It's a fantatstic set to paint.

  2. They are damn good figures for the money!

  3. Very like the purple ones very much!.

  4. Excellent.
    Mine are stil waiting in the queue for 2+ years.

  5. Cold war warriors indeed! I like the animation and the painting!

  6. My daughter has a preference for the purple ones :)

  7. Very good as always. I'm very tempted these days to go back to 1/72, it always happens after I read your blog!!

    I have painted soft plastics before, but they need a lot of extra care before the painting. The warm soapy bath, the removing of flash (by sharp blades or hot needle), then the diluted PVA mixed with a bit of acrylic (some pleople use geso), and the the base colour... and then I'm fed up XD. I started a blog for 1/72 stuff, with the intention of painting a Roman Army.

    Do you do all those stages I mentioned before? or do you use a modern miraculous product to prime the soft plastic?

    There are two critical moments where I can abandon almost forever a project (I paint mainly 28mm figures), if I run out of primed figures, or if I run out of bases.



  8. Hi Andrés. Thanks :-)
    No matter what type of plastic, the very hard stuff used by Zvezda to the soft rubbery stuff used by HäT, I don´t use any Special miracle method or product. All I do is base paint in black with Hobby store acrylic. No prepping by washing or covering with PVA. The type of paint I use, for all the painting (base to final dry brush) apart from one or two colours from and european flesh, is made by Marabu (now getting had to find) or Hobbyline or Kreul..big 50 ml pots for 3-4 euros.
    The basing is done with an old brush...the paint sort of scrubbed on. Wehter this removes any releasing Agent (or mixes with it) and slightly scratches the Surface of the object I don´t know but it holds for sure.
    For example. I wanted to repaint a caesar undead figure..painted in the above method some years ago. I tried every method..vinegar, industrial paint remover but the paint stayed put. The White and flesh discoloured but nothing could remove it. maybe it has something to do with the plastic used by caesar but I had to Abandon the repaint Project.
    I have been asked now a few times how I paint them. I did a "how to" on a Forum a while back. I´ll have to Transfer it here as I Keep loosing the link to where it´s stored on the Forum.
    You should definately have kept the 1/72nd Romans going, they looked does all of your stuff.
    I tried to go 28mm a while back but the cost put me off and the 1/72nd keeps expanding at a huge rate . Also, they are sooooo cheap (comparitively to 28mm) Experiments with conversions, even if they go wrong, are cost effective. And the extras that are available! Just for Ancient rome fans alone. How many sets are listed at PSR for Imperial and republican periods? A hundred plus?
    Sometimes the choice can feel like it´s too much..I´m still, after 8 years of painting medievals, playing catch up. There´s about 150 sets of plastic medievals, let alone all the metal and resin sets. I haven´t even started properly on getting to grips with the medieval Russian/ middle eastern ranges.
    Add to that the Fantasy ranges that are now appearing. Years back all I could do was dream of 1/72nd Fantasy or have 28mm but now there´s about 30 sets and loads more coming.
    Is it worth being tempted to do 1/72nd ? With the range of stuff available in the preiod you´ve Chosen and your high Level of painting...yes :-)

  9. Thank you very much for your answer. Very kind of you. I was looking through your blog but I couldn't find any tutorial. I really hesitated about asking you, because I understand it's very tiring to answer to give again and again. But as I said, your collection grow at an impressive pace, meaning your method is working very well :).

    Thank you for you help and time, I'll try what you do. I've got hundreds of 1/72 to try on. You could take the answer you wrote for me and put a label or something so you can address the people with the same questions.


    1. I´ll definately create an How to ..I´ve made a draft post with the titel to remind me :-)
