
Friday 30 October 2020

Remember the days...

...when shopping, although a bit boring, wasn´t such an effort ?

Anyone remember the "massive horror"  of  PIG FLU ?


  1. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face.

  2. I do hope he’s found some Baufix metal primer in Lidl.

  3. Now we have the Chinese Bat,Rat Covid19 Paul,
    and with the second wave a European Lockdown BB

    1. If anyone has the intelligence to turn off the TV and actually look at the figures (here it would be the RKI) they will discover it´s all a lie. The PCR test is being abused to create false figures of "infections" and the media is creating panik using those fake figures. The PCR test is NOT a diagnostic method and it´s been shown to have massive % false results. It´s not a pandemie, it´s a plandemie. Shops are not being closed due to a virus which has existed for centuries, they are being closed by the state and the sheep are believing them. If, it´s chinese (what hasn´t been proven - if it has show the evidence) then why did an english lab discover it in 1964?

    2. Well said.....that panicky, obese lunatic Piers Morgan has a hell of allot to answer for !

  4. Poignant vignette/diorama. Nice product placement too!
    Regards, James

  5. Very topical although I don't buy into the conspiracy theory part of it - if its all a media beat up, why are there 250,000 dead Americans - or would they just have died anyway from flu or something?? Did Boris Johnson nearly die, or is that bollox too - anyway, not here to get into politics - nice figure and clever post!

  6. hanks rross.
    Who has to buy into any conspiracy theory when the facts speak for themselves. Look at the figures, the recent CDC (Conspiracy theorists?)report on how the numbers were bumped up.
    Of course people die, that´s normal but to claim they died from something that hasn´t even to-date been isolated as the cause is far fetched to say the least.
    Here the RKI, (also conspiracy theorists?)thier own reported figures don´t match the Media hype of those dying or infected. The produce them on thier site, the media and government ignore them!
    Also not one report of a case of SARS-COV-2 since April in the whole of germany...SARS-COV-2, the killer not covid 19 which is astink normal corona virus, a virus that has been around for??Milenia?
    9.500 -10.000 case of Flu related deaths in Germany each year..this year, 400. Where´s the flu gone? Scared of C19 perhaps? Or were all the deaths in the past related to flu actually a corona virus?
    Nobody knows because they never looked.
    The PCR test is next to useless, hence the upcoming damage claim against the producer (Germany)from california. The Bod who created it freely admits to basing it on "media reports and what he guessed it to be" FFS. He never even took a sample!! 14 days before the chinese report turned up he´s created the PCR test.
    It hasn´t to date even been validated FFS.
    What did Boris say recently, the PCR test has an 87% error?
    It´s been tested here and shown to have an 85% error rate so 87% is good enough.
    Would anyone buy or use anything it it was proven to have an 87% error? No, but ruin ecomomies and peoples lives, not actually confirm who may or may not be infected with anything whatsoever or not - right on.

    Oh, and the damage claims now starting in Austria after the courts declared the shut down unecessary and Illegal.
    Oh, and whilst we´re on the subject of shutdowns, Sweden among other countries didn´t have one and nothing out of the ordinary happened. Odd that.

    No denying Corona viruss but in perspective: Every day there are 2,400 deaths here, half of those preventable with decent health care. In 8 days the preventable deaths would add up to those who have been claimed as dying from C19.
    Buisnesses going bust, families loosing thier jobs and livelyhoods, massive jump in suicide rates here, massive increase of poverty and hunger in Africa.
    All well worth it for a death rate that is comparable to flu.

    The WHO (conspiracy theorists?) even told countries not to use lockdowns as it was causing more harm than good and that the death rate (0.35) is comparable to...Flu.
    The claim of "they are doing it to protect us" is therefore bollocks.

    Did Boris nearly die of it? who knows, I wasn´t there.
    Here we´ve got a handfull of "scientists" two of which claim to be so but are in fact not, saying it´s all necessary and at least 60% of all medical practitioners, doctors, nurses and every other Virologist, immunologist, etc who say it´s a load of bull. But of course, they are all conspiracy theorists.

  7. If it was indeed a bio weapon produced aimed at bringing down the economies of the West, it has worked exceedingly well

    1. Bio weapon or not it´s certainly killed off a lot more with the restrictions than dure to any virus, the number of people going hungry in africa has gone through the roof.
      Suicides, missed hospital appointments leading to worsening of conditions and and...
      Today it´s been reported that here, 175,000 Businesses have gone bust, that´s at least 175,000 people who have had little or no income for months and now no work..
      The WHO? This week - 95% of all transmittable infections are preventable by washing your hands and keeping distance, ie; if you got the flu you stayed home, a cold, depending on how severe, you stayed home but if it was mild, and you went out, you didn´t sneeze in peoples faces..who does anyway?
      Oh, and the WHO said the PCR test does not diagnose any specific infections. Basically, with it´s high hit miss rate, it´s next to bloody useless as a diagnostic tool.
      We wait here to see what the courts here and in the US will say on the drosten test.
      Oh, and the next courtcase coming in the haig should be fun :-)

    2. oh, and two health bodies here, one the RKI (a realiable source we are told to listen too if at anytime they actually get on mainstream media instead of the boss who´se a Vet!! ) said the general public wearing FFP2 masks is more dangerous than not..but still we are told to wear the f***ing things!
