On Saturday the 12th there was a preview of the Exhibition of the Croebern and Möckern dios at the Schmucker Jäger Hotel in Hann-Munden but due to work, I´ve only just got around to setting up this post.
The Pictures really don´t do the dios justice, they cover a massive area and are impressive not only due to the size but the Detail. Truly awe inspiring!!! I took quite a lot of pics, too many to put up here, so here´s a selection.
This pic, compared to the above photo, (bottom right Hand Corner) gives some idea of how big the dios are.
A couple of Detail pics.
What´s this...??? Another dio!!? :-D The pic in the Background is a clue ;-D
The town is pretty amazing as well. Parts of the town walls are still Standing and virtually all of it is old timber framed houses, dating back to the 15th Cent. Unfortunately we didn´t have enough time to properly look around (didn´t get any pics of the town hall) but here´s a couple of pics anyway.
Up on the hill, overlooking Munden is the Tillyschanze, an observation tower built from 1881 to 1885 by citizens of the town to remember the siege of the town by Count Tilly in 1626.
The timber framing !!!! Sagged a bit eh? |
A lot of the buildings are over 600 years old!!! (this sign says the building was built around 1400 and renovated in 1590)
The Rathaus (Town hall) Pic from Wikipedia.
Worth another visit I think :-D
For anyone interested in seeing the dio and town, here´s a link to the Hotel where the dio will be exhibited.
Schmucker Jäger Hotel. Info for the date of the official opening of the dio can be found