Monday 18 April 2011


A couple of scratch built onagers from a while back. The white crew are converted Hat greek  catapult crew.
The red crew are from orions roman seige troops.
Hello to jmilesr...from Lair of the Uber his words, "This blog will will contain my rather pedantic ramblings on my experiences within the miniature war gaming hobby. There will be informative how-to’s, thrilling battle reports and thought provoking editorials. I fully expect that history will one day view the contents of this blog on par with Homer’s Illiad or Newton’s Principalia. Or it's a complete waste of time."´s not a waste of time.
Hello to Billiam Babble...who has two blogs, Adventures and shopping, whrer he reviews RPG games and products and the other, Linked Adventures, where he shows his RPG card modular game pieces