Monday 16 April 2012

Arabic citizens, executioners, Napoleonic french artillery and Female Hoplites.

Loads of new goodies planned and released.
Before you scroll down, warning...mild nudity. 
Arab citizens from Erik Trauner. There´s 4 sets of 5 - 6 bods in each set, Clerics,  musicians,  market  traders and  citizens. They fit well to my plans, firstly they are citizens..and I can never have enough of them, but they are also usefull for medieval of khandibars setting. They will be available from may HERE with more pics of the other sets.
Also availabe are set piece scenery and accesories like these;
This lot are a set of excecutioners and victim being broken with a wheel. They were hard times!!!
The last recorded use of this type of excecution was in 1841!
Available now  from HERE  Apart form the excecution scene, I can see a lot of uses for these bods.

Something completely new, .in 1/72nd anyway and a great addition to an Imagination army...Napoleonic french you´ve not seen them before.

Also coming from the same source and also available from HERE (around about  may) are some lightly clad female hoplites;
Finally, part 10 (?) of my Pirate cutter scratchbuild..the rigging has started!!!!
The climbing ropes.
Sewing thread stretched over a home made rigging frame