Monday 4 November 2013

Scalpere Aedificare (Roman town)

The Progress so far on the small island town of Scalpere Aedificare. Not a lot, especially considering that it was started in Febuary of this year, but there´s always something else that gets in the way. The two house on the quay side have been completed. The building to the left is from the original Roman town I made years ago, but the Roofing is being replaced, doors, Windows reconstructed and the whole frontage has been shortened.
New style roofing, using the  inner  protective sheet of  corrugated paper from rolls of biscuits.
Not 100% to scale but it looks way better than my previous attempts with insulating foam sheeting. It´s much easier and quicker than sticking on 100´s of individual card tiles, and looks better than my previous method with insulating sheeting. It paints up ok, but as the paper is thin you need to be carefull not to use paint that´s too watery or press too hard with the Paintbrush otherwise the ridges get crushed. One or two isn´t too bad, it gives the roof a bit of an aged look. The ridge tiles are made from thin card curved over a pen.

The old style roofing, using thin insulation sheeting. Some of it might find a use for paving or brickwork in some future Project.
For getting some sort of texture on the walls I´ve smeared them with PVA and scattered a thin covering of sand over them. The Card to provide a base for the "tiles"  is cut to shape as in this "how to"

And, a new range of Medieval ship sets from Medieval Model Ships created by Valdemar.
Some of them are a bit pricey but when I win the euro lottery, I´ll get me a fleet of them :-D

Stalingrad 2013.
This looks a pretty amazing film. A handfull of russian soldiers, cut off on the "wrongside" of the Volga,  defend a house and a woman at all costs. The  film set has a life size mock up of Pavlov´s house which was re-captured and then  defended by a  platoon of the Soviet 13th Guards Rifle Division led by Junior Sgt. Yakov Pavlov from the  27 September to 25 November 1942.
The Music in the 1st  trailer "What a wonderfull world" is by Brazzaville.