Friday 29 March 2013

"Just in Time"

"After many years away at war, a  knight returns home to find his beloved has been condemned as a witch and will be burned at the stake in the market place. He quickly rides to her rescue and in front of the cowardly townsfolk,  breaks the chains holding her to the stake and carries her away to safety"

The scult was created for Valdemar by Alex. I had to come up with a reason as to why she has a chain on her right ankle,  hence the small background story.
"they jeer and threaten but dare not stop this seasoned warrior"

and a couple of close ups......

They were part of a duel (Theme ; coming home) over at the Bennos Forum..Results HERE.
It was a 3 way duel, the other contestants were:
Peter from Peters cave blog
Suso from Gataskog blog

Friday 22 March 2013

Moor Conversions

More conversions...(spot the dreadfull pun )
Arm swops. The bod on the left got his new shield arm from the El Cid Spanish infantry set and the bod on the right from the Andalusian light cavalry
Top halves, the Andalusian light cavalry, bottom halves, archers.....
...and waste not, the top halves of the foot archers go to adding more variety to the light cavalry

Monday 18 March 2013

Lizard cavalry

I´ve absolutely no idea what make this is as I found it in a Pick n´Mix section at the Herne Toy show.
The lizard is made from dark green hard plastic and the rider yellow soft plastic.
The little Imp like rider has a very nice Aztec style hat ...........
The lizard is about the same size as a 1/72nd Horse so it fits really well alongside my Army of the Underworld bods

Shame that I only bought two of them :-(

Thursday 14 March 2013

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Medieval Houses

The town of Styrow-on-the Foam (or Bodston) grows. A set of 1/72nd scale resin medieval houses created by Thorsten Burgdorf and available HERE ......... They are "multi-purpose" houses, that is you can create a lot of different variations from the same kit, swopping the roofs, gable ends etc.
Very kindly...Thorsten sent them built and painted :-D All they need is basing.
Timber framed versions with straw roofs
Wooden block houses with shingle roofs.

Saturday 2 March 2013

Austrian cuirassiers Regt. Nr 8

The first 50 of a batch of 250, that are having a bit of a touching up paintjob for the Croeburn 1813 dio. Peter, from Peter´s Cave blog has another 150.
One day, they will find a home in a museum, which will hopefully open in spring 2014, which is being created to hold the three dios of Auenhain, Croeburn and Moeckern. More info HERE
The bods are created by Jörg Schmaeling and are available at Art Miniaturen.

Will I and Peter get them all finished by May this year? Watch this space :-D