Friday 25 August 2017

Eastern Friendly Indians - Imex

As with the Lewis and Clark set this lot will end up as part of the Bodstonian Landscape.
15 poses but two, the canoe rowers,  have already turned up with the Lewis and Clark set so I didn´t bother to paint them up...yet.
A really good Thing with the set, just under half are female.
The women folk.
As usual, the women are the ones working* - cleaning Skins, making bread, carrying Wood etc.
The Party folk.
Exactly what the dancer has attached to his stick I don´t know. It could be feathers or leaves but they look more like leaves so that´s what the ended up as.
The Hunting folk.
The one crawling is converted from the leafy stick man. He´d been base painted but our kitten chewed the top off his stick. The rest of the stick was removed, a spear added, a bit of twisting here and there and he´s turned into a crawling bod.
The "Don´t you DARE shoot that thing at me!!!" folk
The Making fire Folk Man
The one  great Thing about Imex is they had some brilliant ideas and very well sculpted, if a Little on the large size as far as the bods go.
The not so good Thing is that they stopped making new sets. I´d have liked to see more from them, especially the sets they had planned...amongst them this Little lot. 

Columbus & explorers
French & Indian War Mohawk Indians                   
Knights of the Round Table                            
Archers, Bowmen & Pikemen                             
Mounted Knights                                     
Tournament Knights with Support                       
War of 1812 British                                  
War of 1812 Americans                               
War of 1812 Creek Indians                           
Pony Express                                        
Farm Animals, Wild Animals & Buffalo             
Rogers Rangers                                      

I could have made use of all of them :-(

*since writing this post I have learnt something that makes my assumption "As Usual" incorrect.
Explantion HERE

Sunday 13 August 2017

Medieval Guards - Alarm!

The actual titel of the set is just   "Alarm" but seeing as these are in the same livery as the guards on Duty and the resting guards, the post titel is fair enough.
The whole set...13 bods
My favourite poses from the set

The running bod on the right Looks a bit odd, as if he´s really happy.."whoopee!!"  but I think he´s supposed to be running up some steps

Get to it you oribble lot!!!!!

Friday 4 August 2017

Lewis and Clark - Imex

Here, on this blog, they are the bods from the Lewis and Clark set  and represent Lewis, Clark, York, Sacajawea, Teton Sioux Indians etc  but in Bodstonia they will have new names and lives. For that purpose, a couple of them have had head/hat swops using Italeri´s American Infantry and have been painted up to fit the Bodstonian "style"
With this set There´s only two Bods I haven´t painted, both repeat poses, a firing Expeditionary bod and one Native American.   Not bad as usually I don´t really like painting repeat poses from the same set.
The Expedition Members
The bods are bigger than a lot of other makes. They fit alongside the Italeri Indian Warriors and American Infantry Bods but Tower over others such as the Strelets American Militia
The mounted section. One´s had a headswop and the two pack mules where based together but they´ve been seperated.
The Native Americans
They account for just over a third of the set, understandable seeing as the set is based on  The Corps of Discovery and the numbers can be bumped up using the Imex Eastern Friendly Indians set.
Messing about on the Water
The canoe. I searched but found that most historical examples seem to have been plain Wood colour or have a tiny bit of colour added, no brightly coloured Hollywood style ones.

Also, the canoe came with  molded  water lapping around the sides but I decided to remove it. I used both the rowing bods from the set, one with a slight Twist of the head to add a slight bit of difference.

The other two are members of the Expedition. The one punting the wooden raft is a giant..even by Imex´s Standards.

The other bits
As with the canoe, the same goes for the Tipi (There´s two Tipis in the set) 
As far as I could discover, Historically, most Tipis in a village would not be painted but left plain so I only added a Basic zig - zag pattern.
The other two bits are a stretched Skin and a campfire.

I´ll just have to come up with some names and  Story lines for them now.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Burgundian Field Artillery - Mars

The Sculpting is the usual Mars Standard, not good and adding to the Problems of the sculpting, there´s a lot of Flash to deal with.
The Review at PSR Shows a bit of Flash but either they have got a sprue with less Flash or have removed most of it.
Both the bods and the guns suffer from it, in fact, I nearly gave up whilst removing it. Still, after the snipping and carving the bods and guns (the wheels are the worst part) they become a servicable if rough looking set.
The Bods.
6 on each of the 4 sprues.
One is Holding a rather large cannon ball that has a much larger caliber than either of the guns which goes for the swab sponge Held by another.
As with all the bods, the faces look a bit punched in.
The seated bod. Exactly what the blob is above his Hand and his ale mug is I don´t know. A rather large thumb?
The Standing bod. Under his right Hand is another undefinable object. I didn´t notice until I started painting but It appears to be the handle from a dagger.

The guns
One carriage, two wheels and a choice of two Barrels on each sprue.
No glueing necessary but the Wheel hubs Need a bit of Drilling out (a 0.8mm bit will do the Job) so the axles fit.
The Crew isn´t as good as the RedBox Hussite one but the guns are better, though not as good as the Zvezda guns.
Two spare sprues have gone onto the Bods 4 Sale page but as I´ve written, they do have a bit of Flash to remove.
As for the spare Barrels from the two sprues I´ve used? Without going to the effort of creating a carriage...a Small Bombard?