It is listed as a Bockwindmuhle, in English a Post mill, which were first invented in the 11-12th centuries, an inovation which enabled "house" to be turned in order to point the sails into the wind.
Hello to hankesslinger...thanks for following :-D
Real cool!
ReplyDeleteIt looks fantastic. Windmills are fun things, like lighthouses, and they're popular. GEM has one too, French I think.
ReplyDeleteThat's a nice bit of kit.
ReplyDeleteThat's a beautiful building!
ReplyDeleteStunning looking model.
ReplyDeleteIt's really nice and a pretty good price too.
ReplyDeleteThat really is just awesome!
Museum quality.
ReplyDeleteMagnificent ''REAL'' terrain pieces!!
ReplyDeleteReally exquisite!!!
This one is really great stuff. I love it!
ReplyDeleteGreat link to cool stuff, thanks for posting!
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice model.
ReplyDeletelovely model I think I need one!
This is an incredible piece of art work. Wow!
Tossing It Out