Friday 3 June 2011

Wargaming bases

I have based all my bods on single bases made using discs cut out of Ikea place matts. This was mainly because I wanted to be able to mix and match them  as I wanted and I didn´t intend to have so many for wargaming, just a few for skirmish type fights.
The numbers have grown though and as I´ve recently started making a Burgundian army for Impetus rules I thought I should base all the others for the same rules..but this would have meant rebasing a couple of hundred bods and nags so I came up with this;
The materials, sand, thin wooden sheet,  underfloor insulation sheeting and wood glue
Cut holes in the insulationfoam, glue to the woodenbase, this one will be for a cavalry base.
Smear woodglue over the top surface of the foam, turn upsidedown and push into the sand.
After drying, paint and decorate
Airfix Sherrif of Nottinghams cavalry
Infantry bases with Zvezda, Italeri, Revell and  Airfix bods
To create a defensive position , square or whatever, the position of the bods can be altered :-D


  1. Nice work, they use similar basing with the Games Workshop War of the Ring rules, yours will probably be a lot cheaper.I was thinking of doing this with my samurai.

  2. Thanks mate.
    Cheaper...??? They all :-D
    and Took about 10 minutes to make all three.
    I´m now going to have to only rebase my artillery. :-D

  3. great idea, thanks for sharing. i will be doing this in the future.

  4. Brilliant! I've been wanting some bases like that for my 100s of individually based Colonial figures but buying the premade ones from Litko was always out of my budget.

  5. Very ingenious! Always a treat to see other peoples' approaches to the thorny problem of basing.

  6. Very good idea !! I like this

  7. Another great idea from the world of Bod!!

  8. Very nice!
    Always good to have minis be able to do double-duty for different game system and basing needs.

  9. Very cool and extremely cost effective. the added bonus is they are light weight. It would also allow you to make different basing for open order, close order, disordered, depending on the rule set of choice.

  10. Very effective Paul! I've been using cork tiles for my multiple bases, but then have to use blu-tack to keep the figures on to the base (which is ok when the figures are plastic bods, but not so clever for metal ones) so your idea would get round that problem

  11. This sort of thing would work for my individually based 40s as well. Perhaps I'll have time to experiment once the fortress is ready for the convention.

  12. Great idea! Me too was thinking about a new way of basing units, but your idea is at the same time simple and effective. I hope you won't copyright it, because I think many people here are thinking about copying it :D

  13. Excellent setup...the foam and the wood work well together

  14. That really is brilliant. It's a shame all my stuff is already on multiple bases.

  15. Excellent Paul! Thanks so much for posting this. I've just started painting my first figure without the magnifier. Just couldn't wait. Have an Ikea store down the road, is it the cheapest mat or what type should one look for? Does wood glue or Elmer's white glue work for tacking down, or does one need super glue or tacky glue?

  16. Thanks :-D
    There is no copy right on ideas as far as I am concerned...anything Iput up here idea wise is for free use, if anyone can use or improve the ideas them...then that´s great.
    @Gael...the Place matts are the normal ones...they come in white and blue, about the size of a sheet of A4. To stick the bods onto the discs I use woodglue, let it dry, then a mix of woodglue and sand around the base...there´s an article somewhere in my bits for bod´s section.
    Bloody cheap and quick.

  17. This is a great way to do this. I was trying to come up with a way to go from skirmish games to BG with some of my AWI when I found your blog.

    This may also help me with my ECW basing dilemna.

  18. Great, go to my blog, I've posted my first paint job. Not very good, the wash & dry wash I just don't get. They did the figure in as to looking bad. Any critique is welcome, good or bad. I can take it! Colors just look terrible, the un washed figure's color is okay. But will go out tomorrow to the Ikea store and do some bases.
