Wednesday 15 February 2012

Swiss Pikes and command

A new series of 1/72nd Swiss infantry for the Burgundian wars period.
The infantry for the Pike block are made by Frank Ziegler, the command by Alex
The marching bods are available from Germania Figuren as will the rest of them when they come out.
You can see more pics here
Frank plans to make fighting poses including Lance and Halbardiers
Me, I will make them into a pike block but there are two questions; bearing in mind there are so far 32 marching poses, some of which can be included in a "fighting block"
1. What material should they be  for wargaming?
2. How many fighting poses to make a good looking block for wargaming?

The above three sets were painted by Michael from Germania Figuren


  1. Front rank with pikes forward, relevant ranks either forward or at port, you could have marching blocks and fighting blocks?

  2. Fran's suggestion would seem to be the way to go, but my goodness what great sculpts; I can hardly believe that they are so small.

    1. Fran is right, both could be possible. It will cost me an arm an a leg, but I will make definately a marching block and a fighting block. Thing is, how manyin a block? .I like the look of a big block, 40 plus bods, but that´s just me. :-D

  3. Paul - what rules would they be for? If I remember right from the Madaxeman site, he uses them in Kiels of 16 bases for FoG:R, which would be 48-64 figures (I can't remember if they are 3 or 4 to a base).

    and some AARs:
    (they were allies/mercenaries for a Huguenot army)

    1. Depends on who will want to use, I´ll base them for it´s the base frontage / depth being the most important thing (but I like a BIG looking block so I slightly ignore the depth bit :-D)

  4. I'll cause the problems then, It may not be that appealing, but for wargaming I'd go for all pikes straight up pointing to the stars. Having them the way Fran said looks cool but is a nightmare on the table, you won't be able to move any figures into contact, the pikes will get in the way. If your army is moving in a file/column down a road say, you'll have to have a massive gap between units so they don't poke each other. Unfortunately this is a voice of experience, for display do want you want for gaming...point to the heavens!!!!!

    1. Thanks Ray :-D
      an excellent answer. I´ve created myself the exact same problem with my Burgundian pikeblock..the bloody spears stick out over the edge of the stand!!! >;-/ Looks really good/authentic but as you say, there´s a huge gap between the actual spear carriers and say a gruop of skirmishers which just looks daft.
      Thanks...great advice :-D

  5. Once again you manage to paint figs that the rest of us could not paint in double the time. very nice and I see that you are showing off those increadible sculpts. Do you know if these will be produced?

    very good and keep up the good work

    1. Gowan, I didn´t paint them, Michael did ;-D
      The 1sst three sets, the marching pikemen are already poduced and available..the others come soon :-D

  6. When you get to paint yours, it is traditional for each cantons troops wear the cantonal colours on at least part of their clothing, and a cross if fighting in a confederation army (white on clothing, black or red if on armour)
    Nice figs!
