Friday 28 October 2011

Norman Army before battle

Another addition to the Norman army...the Strelets Norman army before battle,  but they could equally be "after batttle"...some of the shields have cut marks on them. A few of the bods from the Normans on the march set fit alongside this lot perfectly. As usual..I´ve stuck to the red/white colour scheme for the shield patterns .


  1. As always is this a fine looking bunch of painted figures! Great work again Paul!


  2. I like to refer to them as the "Historical Fashion Police." :-)

    Nice batch of bods Paul!


  3. Another fine collection, not much use on the Battlefield but I love the chap taking off his helmet!! its a great pose.

  4. Really nice work Paul. Well done.


  5. Lovely painting and good schemes on those shields.

  6. Great stuff, love the reloading group!

  7. And again a few colorful bods... Well done!

  8. Great work as always Paul, I do like the shields. I have to deal with self appointed, self important members of the League of Historical Correctness all the time. It makes one think they are more interested in spouting off than accuracy. As far as the too many axe argument how do we know for sure? It seems like army lists are at best mere conjecture. I doubt if record keeping was that accurate so long ago.



  9. I love the colour scheme, gives them a real sense of unity.

  10. Fabulous work again. Really nice variety of troops - love to see the "Phrygian Cap" helmet. Best, Dean

  11. I do like historical correctness! - if a thing is meant to be something it just looks wrong if (proveably) done incorrectly
    I dont mind if anyone doesnt want that though!
    A lot of things people think are right are only opinions by alleged experts! - I have come a cropper with this too!
    I do think its wrong to point out innaccuracies insensitively as some people do.
    If in doubt - best say nowt! :-)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Herkybird, I agree, historical accuracy is a good thing, although we can only be as good at it as our source material. I work from a default position of stating it is a conjectural interpretation. There are many times published source are dead wrong, yet those errors get passed on through repetition. I work off photos when possible, however they are black and white so color errors creep into the equation. Working off 3 view line drawings has its own pitfalls, proportions and details can be wildly inaccurate. Sometimes you are faced with a grainy photo where the serial numbers are indecipherable, many times you are working in the dark until you dig up records which shed light on the subject. We all work in the dark and hopefully eventually the light bulb comes on and we can see more clearly. ;^]



  14. Very nice minis. And unlike Ray, I think they would be perfect for a battlefield, beeing the reserve, waiting for the right moment to advance.

  15. It amazes me what you can do strelet figures mate.I still might buy them.

    Cheers Rich.
